Okay so I haven't necessarily kept up with my blog since the summer started. There's a lot that's been happening in my life that I really feel could/should be shared. Just in the past month I have seriously encountered God in ways I've never done before. I've learned about the huge importance of Community among believers, Grace, God's discipline, what being a Servant means and generally delighting in who God is in my life...and I intend on blogging about each of them.
I'll shortly start with a small order of business...I got a new Tattoo!
The word in Greek is Spalanknezomi (splock-neat-zomi)and it is one of the many Greek phrases for Love. Not just any love, but a deep, moving, passionate Love. This word was used by Jesus in the New Testament to describe his love for the Church and for US! The middle is "starry night" influenced...but the meaning of the entire thing is that THROUGH GOD'S LOVE WE MAY HAVE LIFE!
On to community though. I had the privilege of going to see The Avett Brothers with some really great people a few weeks ago. To be honest, I forget that we went to the show at times due to the amazing people I was with and the community I was accepted into in the process. I was given a vision of what a healthy community looks like through these people and I'm truly blessed because of it.
We were all INTENTIONAL with each other in talking about Jesus with each other.
We DELIGHTED in spending time in the word together.
We weren't scared to go deep with our conversations...we were VULNERABLE with each other
I got to experience Christ through people instead of through a ministry (Which that's what it should be like at all times ministry or not). We were the Church lived out by our actions...it's the way that God wants us to live! We were meant to be in community with our fellow believers, LIVE LIFE WITH THEM. This could not have come at a better time either.
I will be moving to Richmond, VA to do inner city ministry for 2 years; starting in August. I have gone through every emotion I have in me in the waiting period before and I was given the vision of Community, because THAT is what will be needed to succeed in that ministry. I've never pegged myself as being an "inner city guy." I love the mountains and the river and fishing, etc. but God has called me to a place of complete discomfort in going to the city. I'm ecstatic at the opportunity to grow in Christ in this way and to build a community out there in Richmond.
"If you don't have a strong and intentional community, you're just not gonna make it." Strong words by Eric Messmore, very true words. That quote speaks to the heart of community. WE CAN'T MAKE IT ALONE and at the center must be CHRIST.
Calloused Hands, Calloused Feet, Completely open Hear